Invité par la radio nationale suisse RTS – Couleur3, DJ Oof vous livre ses pépites et quatre de ses titres inédits qui sortiront prochainement, mixés sans ambages à la tonalité et au BPM.
Disco-punk harassment by Oof on Mixcloud This mix has been made on the occasion of the multi-disciplinary event « Nuit Ouf – Disco Punk » at the 104 art venue in Paris, in Janvary 2011. The Nuit Ouf concept is an unforgettable experience where all art melt from music, hair-dresser salon, hotbaths, temporary art exhibitions & installations, …
Can you pass the Oof Acid Test by Oof on Mixcloud Can You Pass The Oof Acid Test is a collection of (drug related) acid rock tracks mixed by Dj Oof. This release features extensive notes about every track and a history on LSD both in French and English. Comes in blotter digipack hard paper …
Eclectic Beats & Freestyles by Oof on Mixcloud This is one of the first mixes of Oof, it goes mainly through the funk, rock, drum n’ bass & New school breakbeat scene of the late 90’s. « Freestyle, anything breakbeat jazzy & Hippy. Heavy Groovy beats & pieces ». This mix was eclectic way before most of …
Rewind Your Mind by Oof on Mixcloud This one take mix is the perfect example how rich are the influences of Oof. From Sergej S.Prokofiew to Quantic, this trip through history of music (from 1936 to 2003) is an intelligent and exciting way of approaching electronic music and its evolution through the years. The menu …
La Biennale Takes a Trip (Mix)
La Biennale Takes a Trip by Oof on Mixcloud « Oof gives a trip to La Biennale, 76 min made to rewind your mind! ». This is the all-day soundtrack of a psychedelic art exhibition at the famous ‘Biennale de Lyon’ from September to December 2005 at Le Fort de St-Jean. A selection made out of 3000 …
Can You Pass the Thaï Test ? (Mix)
Can You Pass The Thaï test ? éditée à très peu d’exemplaires, ce mix fut créé à l’occasion de la tournée de Oof à Bangkok. Il s’agit d’une sélection de rock / soul / disco thaïlandaise et psychédélique des 60’s/ 70’s. Dj Food en dira “Je n’ai jamais rien entendu de pareil…” Can You Pass …
Oof – Can You Pass The Ping Pong Test (Mix)
Ping Pong Mix by Oof on Mixcloud Dj Oof presents A Tennis Table Mixtape. Here is gathered for fun, all the good & weird tunes that had ping pong balls names or just talking about it. Eclectic & representing the styles the Pingpong agency is into from easy listening to rock, hip-hop, electro, jazz, 70’s …